How about getting new renovations for your home? Every homeowner wants their home to look updated and in premium condition. A well-maintained home is good for the family’s mental health and has many commercial advantages. But people usually make several home renovation mistakes that cost them more on the repairs and still leave their home with a dated aesthetic appeal. In this blog, you’ll learn about the 22 most common mistakes you should avoid if considering renovating your home in 2024.

If you want expert guidance and the best home improvement materials, visit Hadayat and Co. or contact us to solve all your queries.

22 Biggest and Most Common Home Renovation Mistakes

Now, before you get started on your home remodeling project, here’s what you should watch out for:

  1. Not Setting a Proper Budget
  2. Hiring Unskilled Contractors
  3. Choosing Low-Quality Materials
  4. Starting Without a Timeline
  5. Working Without a Proper Plan
  6. Starting Without Inspection
  7. Keep the Storage Space Limited
  8. Ignoring the Safety Risks
  9. Purchasing New Furniture Too Early
  10. Mismatched Additions
  11. Ignoring Windows
  12. Following the Wrong Trend
  13. Using Low-Quality Paints and Coatings
  14. Installing New Appliances at the End
  15. Focusing on Appearance Over Functionality
  16. Ignoring Minor Details
  17. Rushing the Contractors
  18. Using Low-Quality Tiles
  19. Ignoring the Bathroom Remodelling
  20. Breaking the Sequence of Finishing Work
  21. Neglecting Ventilation
  22. Impulse Buying of New Home Improvement Products

1) Not Setting a Proper Budget

One of the most common and critical mistakes in home renovation is not setting a proper budget. Renovations can cost you more than expected without a realistic budget that includes contingency planning for unexpected expenses. 

You don’t want to find yourself in financial trouble. Experts recommend adding 20% to your initial budget estimate to cover unforeseen costs. 

This approach helps in managing the financial aspect of the renovation more effectively. It keeps you prepared for any surprises and enables you to make decisions that keep the project within financial reach. 

To avoid this mistake, thoroughly research and price out every aspect of the renovation beforehand and consult with professionals to get accurate estimates.

2) Hiring Unskilled Contractors

The success of a renovation project heavily depends on the skill and reliability of the contractors hired. Working with unskilled or inexperienced contractors to save money can lead to poor workmanship, delays, and additional costs in the long run. In Pakistan, poor workmanship often leads to a poor quality finish. 

Homeowners should seek multiple bids, check references, and review the contractors’ previous work. Always hire contractors with a solid reputation and a track record of completing projects similar to yours on time and within budget. 

Remember, the cheapest option is not always the best regarding quality and reliability.

3) Choosing Low-Quality Materials

low quality home materials renovation mistake

Selecting low-quality materials for a renovation project is a false economy. While it might reduce initial costs, it can increase maintenance, repair, or replacement expenses over time. So, you’ll end up losing any initial savings. High-quality materials last longer, look better, and can significantly increase the value of your home. 

Invest in durable, high-quality sanitary wares, tiles, kitchen sets, etc, with guaranteed durability and performance to avoid this mistake. Consult with professionals to understand which materials best suit your needs and budget, and consider the long-term benefits and costs before deciding.

4) Starting Without a Timeline

A well-defined timeline is necessary for any home renovation project because it:

  • Helps to manage the sequence of tasks.
  • Ensures that materials and contractors are available when needed.
  • Sets realistic expectations for project completion.

So, create a detailed plan for each stage of the renovation, including deadlines for tasks and milestones. Also, coordinate with your contractors and suppliers to decide the project’s timeline.

5) Working Without a Proper Plan

Make a comprehensive renovation plan that outlines the scope of work, design preferences, materials, budget, and timeline for the entire project. With it, you can avoid making impulsive decisions, experiencing delays, and incurring additional costs. 

Your plan should have architectural designs, material selections, and a clear understanding of your goals for the project.

6) Starting Without Inspection

Skipping pre-renovation inspections is the worst mistake you can make while renovating your home. It can lead to unexpected and costly issues down the line. Inspections are needed to find hidden problems such as structural issues, outdated electrical systems, or plumbing that need updating. 

Addressing these issues after renovations will increase your costs and extend timelines. So, arrange for thorough property inspections before starting any work. This upfront investment can save time, money, and headaches by clearly showing what needs to be done before you make new adjustments.

7) Keep the Storage Space Limited

Underestimating the need for storage is a common oversight in home renovations. Limited storage can affect the functionality and aesthetics of a space, making it feel cluttered and disorganized. 

To avoid this mistake, plan how to create ample storage space for your future needs. This can include built-in cabinets, closets, and multi-functional furniture. Consulting with a designer can help identify creative and efficient storage spaces that add to the overall design. This is how your renovated space will look beautiful and practical.

8) Ignoring the Safety Risks

Ignoring safety risks during renovations can lead to accidents, injuries, and long-term health issues. This includes exposure to hazardous materials, improper use of tools, and failing to wear protective gear. 

Taking strict measures and following protocols is essential to avoid these risks. Homeowners and contractors should responsibly check if the work area is safe, use the correct tools and equipment, and wear appropriate safety gear. 

Consider hiring professionals for tasks that involve significant risks, such as electrical work or structural changes, to do them safely and correctly.

9) Purchasing New Furniture Too Early

Purchasing New Furniture Too Early

Buying new furniture before the renovation is complete can lead to several problems. Furniture may not fit the space as intended, or the style may clash with the finished room.

To avoid this, wait until the renovation is sufficiently advanced, allowing for accurate measurements and a better understanding of the space’s final look and feel. This approach ensures that new furniture complements the renovated area in size and style, enhancing the overall aesthetic and functionality.

10) Mismatched Additions

Additions that don’t complement the existing architectural style can detract from the home’s aesthetic appeal and resale value. While additions don’t have to mimic the original structure, they should harmonize. 

To avoid mismatched additions, plan the design carefully, considering the home’s overall style. Consulting with an architect or designer can ensure that new additions enhance the existing structure, maintaining a cohesive look that adds value and appeal to the property.

11) Ignoring Windows

Neglecting windows during a renovation can impact a home’s energy efficiency, comfort, and aesthetic appeal. High-quality windows enhance natural lighting, improve ventilation, and contribute to thermal comfort, reducing heating and cooling costs. 

Consider the role of windows in your home’s design and energy performance. Upgrading to energy-efficient windows or enhancing window treatments can significantly improve your home’s overall feel and efficiency. Ensure window styles and placements complement the architectural design and meet your functional needs.

12) Following the Wrong Trend

We know it’s tempting to choose the latest home renovation trends. But, doing so can quickly date your property and may not reflect your style. 

Trends come and go, but your home should reflect what you love, not just what’s currently in vogue. So, focus on timeless designs that match your taste and lifestyle. 

If you want to apply the latest wardrobe or kitchen design trends, buy from brands offering comprehensive customizations. For instance, choose from a huge range of paint colors options, create your own kitchen design, and compare different sanitary wares.

13) Using Low-Quality Paints and Coatings

Using Low-Quality Paints and Coatings

Opting for low-quality paints and coatings can lead to poor coverage, quick fading, and the need for frequent touch-ups or repaints. For example, VOCs are chemicals that can escape into the air from paints, varnishes, and even some building materials. 

Now, here’s the thing – for about 2-3 weeks after they’re applied, these compounds can be particularly social, mingling in the air of our homes. 

While they’re busy making the air less fresh, they can also nudge our health with some not-so-friendly effects, like headaches, dizziness, or even longer-term health issues with prolonged exposure. 

Opening windows, using fans, or taking a break from the space can minimize our hangout time with VOCs.

High-quality paints provide better durability, longer-lasting finishes, and superior aesthetics. Invest in premium paints and coatings that offer better performance and longevity to avoid this mistake. You can also invest in Zero VOC paints to avoid the hazards of VOCs and move into your rooms within just hours after the paint job is done.

Also, consult with professionals to select the right products for your specific needs, considering factors like surface type, exposure to sunlight, and expected wear and tear.

14) Installing New Appliances at the End

Waiting until the end of a renovation to select and install new appliances can lead to compatibility and space issues. Appliances should be chosen early in planning to ensure that cabinetry, countertops, and utility connections are correctly set up to accommodate them. 

Select your appliances at the beginning of the renovation and use their dimensions and style as a guide for related design decisions. This way, you can easily install your appliances according to your newly renovated space. 

If you need to buy new appliances imported from world-class brands in Pakistan, go for Frigidaire and Whirpool. They have the best range of home electric appliances. You’ll get these home appliances only from Hadayat & Co.

15) Focusing on Appearance Over Functionality

Prioritizing aesthetics at the expense of functionality can result in a beautiful space that doesn’t meet your practical needs. A successful renovation balances both aspects, creating attractive and livable spaces. To avoid this mistake, carefully consider how you’ll use each space and plan accordingly. Incorporate functional elements like ample storage, proper lighting, and durable materials without sacrificing style. Engage with design professionals to achieve a balance that suits your lifestyle and aesthetic preferences.

16) Ignoring Minor Details

Overlooking minor details can detract from a renovation project’s overall quality and finish. Details such as trim work, hardware, and lighting fixtures play significant roles in your home’s final look and feel. To avoid this mistake, consider the small touches contributing to the finished space’s functionality and design. Choose finishes and hardware that complement the overall style of your home and ensure that all elements are cohesive and thoughtfully selected.

17) Rushing the Contractors

Pressuring contractors to complete a project too quickly can compromise the quality of their work and lead to mistakes or unfinished details. A well-done renovation takes time and patience. To avoid this mistake, establish a realistic timeline for careful planning, execution, and quality control. Communicate clearly with your contractors about your expectations and be open to discussions about the project timeline to ensure that the work is done right the first time.

18) Using Low-Quality Tiles

Using Low-Quality Tiles

When we go shopping for tiles in the local market, picking the cheaper ones might seem like a good deal at first, but it can actually lead to some headaches down the road. Low-quality tiles might not look as nice, they can crack or break easily, and they might not even stick to the floor or wall properly.

Before we even think about putting down tiles or installing wooden doors, there’s something super important we need to do – termite treatment and waterproofing. Think of your house like a big piece of wood. Without termite treatment, tiny bugs called termites can eat away at it, causing a lot of damage. And without waterproofing, water can sneak in and cause mold or even make the structure weak. 

By taking care of these things first, we make sure our home stays strong and cozy, keeping all the unwanted guests and leaks outside where they belong.

19) Ignoring the Bathroom Remodelling

Bathrooms are critical spaces in a home, and outdated or poorly designed bathrooms can significantly impact daily life and home value. Ignoring bathroom remodeling can be a missed opportunity to improve functionality, aesthetics, and comfort. 

To avoid this mistake, include bathroom updates in your renovation plans, focusing on improvements that enhance usability, storage, and lighting. Consider water-efficient fixtures, durable materials, and a layout accommodating your needs to create a beautiful and practical space.

20) Breaking the Sequence of Finishing Work

A common mistake many homeowners make is not understanding the optimal order for finishing tasks during renovation. Starting without a proper sequence will lead to unnecessary complications, delays, and sometimes, additional costs. That’s why you need a logical sequence of work.

For example, Installing false ceilings after the tiles can lead to potential damage to the new flooring from falling debris or tools. So, complete the ceiling first and any adjustments or corrections that need to be made will not compromise the finish of the floor. 

Understanding the correct sequence of work is not limited to ceilings and flooring. It extends to all aspects of renovation, including painting, cabinetry installation, and fixture updates. 

For example, painting should be done before installing new flooring to avoid drips or spills on new materials. 

Similarly, cabinetry and major fixtures should be in place before final touches like backsplashes are added, ensuring accurate measurements and fit.

21) Neglecting Ventilation

Taking care of ventilation during home renovation is also important for several reasons. Many people neglect this during the process, which could have consequences.

Ventilation ensures the safety and health of the occupants. It prevents the accumulation of harmful dust, chemicals, and other pollutants that can be released during construction activities. 

Proper ventilation helps to disperse these potentially hazardous materials, reducing the risk of respiratory problems, allergies, and other health issues. 

Secondly, it protects the integrity of the renovation work. Adequate airflow can help control humidity and moisture levels, preventing mold growth and structural damage that can compromise the quality and longevity of the renovation. 

So, if you want a pleasant and safe environment for your home, invest in good ventilation.

22) Impulse Buying of New Home Improvement Products

The last one on our list of home renovation mistakes is “Impulse buying.” Impulse buying new home improvement products can lead to overspending and selecting items that may not fit your renovation project’s overall design or needs. 

This mistake often occurs when homeowners get caught up in the excitement of the renovation process and purchase items on a whim without considering their practicality, compatibility with the space, or the renovation budget. 

We recommend starting any home improvement project with a detailed checklist of required materials, their specifications, and how they fit into your overall design plan. Stick to your list and budget, and resist the temptation to buy items not part of your initial plan, no matter how appealing they seem. 

Start Renovating Your Home With Our Expert Guidance!

Now that you know the mistakes to avoid during home renovation, you’re safe from facing many issues. If you think looking out for all these tips can be tough, we have a solution, too. 

At Hadayat & Co., we’re committed to providing the best materials in the Pakistani construction industry. Our satisfied clients seek our expert guidance to work on their renovation projects.

We have a strong portfolio of thousands of projects we have completed over the past 30 years in the industry. We’re just a call away if you’re searching for building materials that fit your renovation project.

You can also visit our showroom to see our range of imported tiles, bathroom sets, and paints that can be used in your homes for a luxurious living experience. So contact us now!